Thursday, February 1, 2024

"L" formerly known as Trump

I'm breaking my rule of not creating posts about politics due to breaking news of my own (isn't everything 'breaking news' on Cable News in 2024?).

Going forward, I will refer to the ex-president as "L" ~ formerly known as Trump. Taking a page from Elon Musk's playbook with Twitter.

I selected the letter L because to me it embodies so much of the ex-president's character (well, okay, lack of character). Just think liar, lunatic, loathsome, libelous and lewd... need I go on?

I'll turn to a poem I wrote four years ago after L encouraged his supporters to try and upend the democratic process by attacking out Capitol and threatening our elected officials. It reflects my long held image of this president as a cowardly little man, hidden behind a curtain, pretending to be bigger that he ever will be, pulling levers that create smoke and bluster and amplify a weak voice - compelling me to pen a few thoughts.

Saving grammar and rhyme for another day - rules cast aside as they were on January 6th, 2021 in our nations capital.
This too shall pass.

America Is Not In Kansas Anymore
Who knew when this tornado named Trump emerged
From the depths of the country that forged his character,
That this boasting dullard, would hypnotize many
But he was a wizard indeed - from Oz no less!
Seducing the party of Lincoln, he huffed, ranted and raved
Untethered from reality, principle or morality.
He cowered behind the religious right,
The NRA and White Supremacists.
And free from truth, he embraced deceit
Attacking the press, freedom and sanity.
All the while playing the embattled martyr,
He schemed behind a curtain of Tweets.
Finally caught in the web he weaved
Impeachment loomed.
But in a world turned upside down -
With allies out and enemies in.
His enablers circled,
He didn't do that - and so what if he did
Our Constitution protects him,
He cannot do wrong, he is our chosen one.
That straw argument is now reduced to a straw man
While the tin man weeps,
And the cowardly lion lives up to his name -
God knows we're not in Kansas anymore.

Please vote and encourage your friends and family to vote. 

It's time... for "L" to go.

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Thanks for helping write tThe Wright Stuff.