Friday, April 27, 2012

Garage Band Music

I have heard it said that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

If so, this week I am flattering Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and to some extent, Orville and Wilbur Wright.

As the warm spring sunlight banished the long, rainy and cold (did I say rainy?) pacific northwest winter, I packed up my office, lock stock and barrel, or more accurately, desk, lamp, computer and office decor and moved out to the garage.

What a feeling of freedom from the house I call home... to a remote, okay not too remote, location in the back corner of our yard.

There is something very empowering about working in your garage.  Let's set aside for a moment the fresh air when the door is thrown up to bring all of the beauty outside in.  And let's not even count the all too obvious benefits of filtered sunshine bringing your creative juices to their peak.

Let's instead focus on the just plain basic surroundings that inspire ideas.  The romance of the concept that anyone who is willing to imagine something new, can bring it to life, simply by trying again and again to make it so.

Perhaps the garage is the common denominator for the inventions of The Wright Brothers, Hewlett, Packard, Gates, Jobs, Page and Brin.  Maybe it's the image I have of the garage as a starting place, a cornerstone or could it be that there's just something cool about toiling away without splashy surroundings which is in and of itself motivating.

Whether the garage is on South Williams Street in Dayton, Addison Place in Paolo Alto, Crist Avenue in Los Altos... somewhere in Bremerton or on 32nd Place in Portland... I'm not sure it matters (although Los Altos probably trumps Dayton in January).

So with a equal parts optimism, inspiration, perspiration, dreams and, oh yeah, a measure of good fortune... we might just make a little music at The Wright Stuff!

Garage band style.

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Thanks for helping write tThe Wright Stuff.